September 2, 2022 in Worship
Jesus asks us to consider the cost of being a disciple of Christ. If there is no personal, emotional, and spiritual cost to following Jesus, can we call ourselves disciples? Jeffrey Raub sings “Come Follow Me.” The hymns are “Awake, My Soul, and with the Sun,” ELW 580, and “Go Make of All Disciples” (see bulletin for first and last hymns).
The bulletin can be found here.
The announcements can be found here.
The occasional organ music before the worship begins is from Emerson Harding’s 55th Anniversary CD.
Join us in the nave or for our livestream (on our Facebook page or YouTube channel) on Saturday at 5:30 pm or in the nave on Sunday at 8 & 10:30 am.
Permission to stream the music in this service obtained from One License, License #A-716398 and CCLI, License #20539686. All rights reserved.