Whatever your age, interests or abilities, we have a place for you to learn, grow and give back at St. John’s Lutheran Church.
Welcome to our Children’s Ministry! Here at St. John’s Lutheran Church, we offer a safe and loving environment for children and their families to connect to God, to know and love Jesus Christ, and to love others through the power of His grace. We offer Sunday morning programs, weekly ministries, and special events throughout the year to help children grow and participate in their relationship with God, their families, and the world.
Jesus said, “Let the children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 19:14).
Rally Day is held on the Sunday following Labor Day weekend @ 9:15AM in the Fellowship Hall. We gather to meet our teachers, fellow students, locate our classrooms, and complete a service project together as a congregation.
St. John’s Sunday School classes begin at age 2. All children ages 2 through grade 6 follow the Lectionary Spark Christian educational material from Augsburg Publishing Co.
St. John’s has devoted and caring teachers, interns, and assistants. Classes meet in the lower level of the church every Sunday morning from 9:15 – 10:15AM:
For more information or to register for Sunday School, please contact sundayschool@stjohnsnaz.org.
Vacation Bible School (VBS) is held every summer (June) right here at St. John’s for children entering Kindergarten through 5th grade! The theme changes each year, bringing a variety of biblical stories and fun to children! While at VBS, children will learn Bible stories through songs, skits, play, games, and more!
Registration is typically available in the month or two prior to VBS.
Register for 2024 SCUBA VBS HERE.
Church isn’t just for adults! At every worship service we offer a children’s message for children of all ages. This time in worship features a special message just for our children, although most of the time it fits just right for adults, too.
Other Children’s Ministry Programs:
It’s like a hidden tower in our church – but not on purpose! If you make your way to Fellowship Hall, face the stage then head through the double doors on your left (not the ones that lead outside, the ones that swing open to another hallway). You’ll see the stairs – head up! If you’re unsure, please feel free to ask anyone for help.
Our youth represent the next generation of church and community leaders. Our congregation gets that. The Youth Ministry program at St. John’s has a lot going on – from our weekly events like Sunday School, SHYG (Senior High Youth Group), confirmation class and choir, to special events, retreats, trips, and more! We are blessed to have a strong youth program and leader, and a congregation that does everything it can to mentor, involve, and support our youth. Come join us!
Grades 7-8
Sunday School class for 7th and 8th graders is a place where the weekly gospel is discussed in a conversational style format that relates to a tween/teen’s life. Bible Jeopardy and YouTube are fun learning tools used to help keep kids engaged and focused on the Word. Sunday School for 7th and 8th graders is an important part of Confirmation at St. John’s.
SHYG (Senior High Youth Group)*
SHYG is open to high school students and their friends. Time together includes fellowship, event and schedule planning, supporting outside local, state, and global ministries, discussions around important topics and events that impact today’s young people, and of course fun and food. Meetings are every Wednesday night at 6:15PM up in the Youth Room.*
Youth groups are like anything: the more you put into it, the more you’ll get out of it. Youth are encouraged to come to all the meetings. Friends are always welcome to attend!
*SHYG (Senior High Youth Group) meets every Wednesday from 6:15pm – 7:15PM in the Youth Room.
Luther League
Luther League (another name for Youth Group at St. John’s) is open to youth in grades seven and above, members and non-members. Luther League participates in service events and plenty of fun activities! Be sure to check out upcoming events for the youth!
Also be sure to check out the following youth music opportunities:
Adult ministries at St. Johns helps shape our spiritual growth and shared journey. As we seek a closer relationship with God and each other, grow in our faith, and create authentic relationships with each other, we encourage and support one another as a church family. St. John’s is always looking for new ways to connect, serve, and reach out to help meet the needs of not only our congregation, but the community and world around us. We want YOU to be a part of our wonderful church family!
St. John’s is currently under redevelopment and is revisioning class opportunities for adults. As we await the Spirit’s guidance, we are invited to join together in Sunday morning fellowship.
Sunday Fellowship takes place after each worship service and during the Sunday school hour in the Shepherd’s Room. This is a time to share in coffee, tea, and snacks as we get to know one another and reconnect as a community of faith.
Wednesdays at Noon in the Shepherd’s Room. Beginning the second Wednesday in September, you are invited to bring your Bible and lunch as we gather to explore God’s Word, seeking to understand and apply it to our lives. This group selects the topic of conversation and study. Recent studies included the lectionary for Sunday worship and Minor Prophets.
Other weekly class opportunities are currently under development. Stop back and see what the fall will bring that may be of interest to you. If you have suggestions for class content, please reach out to Pastor Jennifer.
Tables of 8
Tables of Eight is a small group ministry centered around sharing a meal and getting to know each other a little better. Each group plans its own meals and gets together once each month for four to six months (we change it up sometimes!). The group can meet at one another’s homes, at a restaurant; at the park….it is up to you! You are always welcome to join a table just to check it out. Contact one of the pastors to get an invite.
We are a community of women committed to grow in faith and engage in ministry and action. WELCA hosts speakers during the year, service projects, and we always provide food! Please join us for one of our monthly events!
Rebekah Circle meets the first Monday of each month at 7:00PM in the Parlor. Women of all ages come together to study and discuss articles and theological reflections. After our discussion, we enjoy refreshments!
Ruth Circle meets the first Wednesday of each month at 9:30AM in the Parlor. This Bible study is for women of all ages. We welcome you to join us anytime!
St. John’s offers a number of additional adult ministry opportunities for everyone. Please reach out if you’re interested in getting more involved.
This is a small group of women and men who strive to be God’s hands and feet in the world as they help those in need. Helping Hands takes an annual week long mission trip to places in need. Over the years they have served in Louisiana, Mississippi, Illinois, Massachusetts, Texas and New Jersey, as well as a day trip to Philly, helping with storm recovery efforts. If you are interested in learning more about this years’ service trip, please contact the church office.
“Next to the Word of God, the noble art of music is the greatest treasure in the world.”
– Martin Luther
St. John’s has a long tradition of presenting the many musical and artistic gifts of our members (and special guests) to enrich our worship. Come enjoy the inspiring sounds and sights offered every week – through one of the various choir or instrument ensembles, special music, art, or other performances. Our choirs and ensembles are open to anyone and include a wide range of skill sets and ages. Check our calendar or social media links for the most up-to-date events at St. John’s!
Chancel Choir*
The Chancel Choir meets on Thursday evenings from 7:00 to 8:30AM and regularly sings at the 10:30AM service September through June. The choir sings a variety of worship music styles and always have an extra chair (or two).
Philethia Choir
The Philethia Choir is the adult choir that sings primarily for the 8:00AM worship service the first Sunday of each month, September through May. The choir’s repertoire choices reflect the diverse musical taste of our congregation, from traditional hymns to more contemporary arrangements.
Festival Choir
The Festival Choir includes those from the Chancel and Philethia Choirs and others from the congregation who wish to sing for the holy festivals of the Christian year. These celebrations include Reformation, Advent/Christmas, Easter, Church Music Sunday, the annual Banquet of Song, and other special occasions.
Men’s Chorale
The Men’s Chorale is for all men of St. John’s, whatever your musical ability. It is a short-term commitment to the music ministry of our church and provides an opportunity for camaraderie and musical learning. They perform a few times during the year, offering a beautiful musical complement to worship.
Women’s Ensemble
The Women’s Ensemble is a short-term commitment for women of all ages and musical ability. They perform a variety of worship music styles as they enjoy fellowship and learning. They lead worship several times each year.
Creation & Celebration Choirs
Children gather on Tuesday afternoons from 4:00 to 5:15PM for a special J.A.M. (Jesus and Me) Session. The afternoon includes time for singing, arts and craft projects, and snacks. Two age-level choirs participate during this time: Creation Choir for children in pre-K through 1st grade and Celebration Choir for children in 2nd-6th grade. Choir is a great opportunity for children to become involved in the worship life of the church as well as to learn basic music and singing skills. The older children also learn to play Orff instruments is an additional aspect of exploring music.
Chalice Choir
Middle and high school youth offer their musical gifts to God in the Chalice Choir. Learning a wide range of anthems and songs, this group brings a refreshing spirit and sound to our worship. Each year there are several opportunities for these youth to bless others with their music as they visit other churches, retirement homes, or nursing-care facilities. The Chalice Choir takes an extended tour every few years, with past excursions having taken them to Washington D.C., Boston, Chicago, Pittsburgh, and Charleston, SC.. Chalice Choir meets on Wednesday afternoons at 5:00PM, prior to the confirmation class and youth group.
Instrumental ensembles
Instrumental ensembles provide a beautiful complement to our church services and events offering brass, woodwind, and string accompaniments from musicians of all ages and ability levels. Different ensembles of musicians perform several times during the year and often accompany one or more of the choirs for special music.
Adults and youth have the opportunity to take part in a handbell choir that presents a musical offering in worship several times a year. Rehearsals take place on Mondays at 6:30pm from September through May.
Music and art are combined with drama to introduce our community’s youth to a full theater production. M.A.D. (Music-Art-Drama) Camp runs for a week in early August for grades 1 through 8, then continues with a Friday afternoon practice during the school year in preparation for a November production.
If you are interested in participating in any of our musical opportunities, let us know or just show up to one of our rehearsals! You are always welcome!
Faith Through the Arts is a month-long community exhibit of visual art that takes place about every 3 years at St. John’s Lutheran Church. Artists throughout the region are invited to submit works for inclusion in a juried exhibit. An opening reception for exhibiting artists and sponsors opens the festival, with musical concerts, dramatic events, and special worship experiences taking place throughout the month.
A registration form for visual artists to submit works can be found by clicking HERE.
If you are need of services of any kind, reach out to the Nazareth Ministerium’s social worker. She can connect you to the help you need from food assistance to counseling. For help call 610-759-3163 ext. 104.