April 4, 2021 in Worship
Christ is risen! Christ is risen indeed! Alleluia! God’s love for us will not stopped. Jesus Christ is raised to proclaim that love to us all. Alan Babp and Ralph Brodt accompany the organ with trumpets for the prelude and postlude. The Handbell Choir performs “Praise to the Lord, the Almighty.” Isabelle Dara sings Mozart’s “Alleluia.” Watch for many of our members during the first hymn, ELW 365. The service concludes with ELW hymn 382 (vv. 1 & 4).
The bulletin can be found here.
The announcements can be found here.
Permission to stream the music in this service obtained from One License, License #A-716398 and CCLI, License #20539686. All rights reserved.