Welcome to Saint John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, located in historic Nazareth, PA. We are pleased that you have found our website and would like to take this opportunity to invite you to visit with us soon. While you are here, please visit our web pages to learn about us and the things God is doing at Saint John’s.
Saint John’s Lutheran Church was established as a union church in 1859. Over the decades, Saint John’s roots spread deep into the limestone rich earth and its trunk grew strong. The congregation flourished under the nurturing of dedicated and gifted pastors who encouraged the laity to develop leadership skills.
We give thanks to God for our rich history, our magnificent building, and the legacy of faith handed down by those who have gone before us. We also give thanks for our life together at Saint John’s today.
SUNDAY AT 8:00 & 10:30AM
Our 10:30AM Sunday service is live streamed on our Facebook page or YouTube channel.